Attend to ascend!

This evening I attended my second volleyball practice.
(My ankle is almost healed.)
Even if I say so myself, there was a noticeable improvement from last week.
I know this will probably continue like this for 4-8 weeks, and then the improvement will stop. Or more accurately, stop being short-term noticeable.

You see, the same thing happens whether you’re working out or studying.
There will be leaps of improvements to begin with, and then fade out.

For example, when I was studying for my CCIE, there were months when I felt I wasn’t learning anything new or improving, but I knew that as long as I kept to my schedule without excuses I would be moving from having a basic understanding of a topic to mastering it.
Looking back 6-12 months, after successfully passing the exam, the improvements seemed quite obvious.

And because not everything is a CCIE exam, so you don’t even have to commit to a full session, if you just set a side 20-30 minutes, you’ll study for those 20-30 minutes on some days, on other days you’ll be studying for 90 min, or 180 min, or more.
If you don’t have the time to do a lot, you can find the time to do a tiny bit.
You’ll see the improvement when you look back to where you were, vs where you are now.

So today I’m also finding the small victory in having achieved my daily move goal 2500 times.
600kcal isn’t much, but on some days it sure feels like it.
The trick is just to keep on going 🙂
Attend to ascend!

So what are ➡️you⬅️ improving at these days?