
-364 days

I opened my inbox last Thursday, which I obviously shouldn’t have (it’s a public holiday), to be greeted with a certification reminder I got the day before telling me that some of my certifications expire in one year.

One of the neat things Cisco has introduced in the past years is the option to recertify by learning something new, through the Continuing Education program, instead of just re-taking the [updated] old exam again.

This allows me to obtain “credits” through official courses and technical seminars at the Cisco Live conference.

Once enough credits are achieved, my certification expiry is extended.

So instead of going back to the original material, the focus is on progress and being active.

This also allows me to plan my recertification process better;

How many credits can I get through conferences, and which courses provide CE credits that also align with my current learning goals?

In the modern age no one really works with a single vendor, so I wish that other vendors move to a similar ideology.

I’d much rather spend my time learning something new than to memorize old stuff 🙂